Strength of Materials and Structural Quality Control Research Lab.

 | Post date: 2020/07/6 | 

Yoness Alizadeh Vaghasloo  

Strength of Materials and Quality Control Research Center & Laboratory of AmirKabir University (ASQRL)

The Strength of Materials and Quality Control Research Center & Laboratory(ASQRL)has managedinrecent yearsconsiderableactivitiesinpromoting, Localizing, applicable the engineeringsciences, improvethe qualityof products and development the power of engineering.
Sothatthese activitieshas encouragedindustries, companies,academic institutionsandresearchorganizations to more links betweenuniversity and industry.
A summary ofthese activitiesinvariousindustriesincludingconstruction, automotive, marineindustries, medicalengineeringindustries are follows:
1)      Creating Opportunities for industrial research and various tests for quality control of structural and industrial productions.
2)      Make enthusiastic for scientific, universities, research and laboratory centers in order to use the facilities of this center.
3)      To assist consulting engineers and supervisors in decision making on large projects in industrial and civil and Institutionalization of this cooperation.
4)      Over 200 communications with industrial manufacturing companies to improve their product quality and benefit from the scientific proposals of this center.
5)      Attract a large number of engineering students for designing and manufacturing projects in the field of quality control and compilation of national standards.
6)      Strength materials and quality control tests training to about 250 students each year in the fields of civil engineering, solid design, fluids, manufacturing, shipbuilding, comprehensive mechanical engineering and aerospace.
7)      Various applied research contracts with industries and solve their scientific problems.
8)      Invention and innovation in various fields of industry and attract young graduates and their entrepreneurial.
9)      Compilation, presentation and education of national and international standards and encourage the use of them in industry.
10)  Intellectual and practical advice to various industries to improve the quality of industrial products.
11)  Calibration of laboratory and research equipments for research centers, laboratories and industries.
ASQRL Engineering Services provides a comprehensive range of metallurgical and mechanical testing services with a dedicated machine shop to provide specimen preparation. Test specimens are prepared for metallic and non-metallic materials in the evaluation of tensile, compression, impact, weld ability, fatigue and bend properties.
ASQRL has in-house Mechanical Testing Facility to provide precise determination of Proof Stress by the attachment of various Electronic Extensometers. Tensile test at Elevated Temperature is a special service offered by this center. Tests are conducted as per ISIRI, ISO, EN, DIN, JIS, ASTM, BS, SAE, etc or client specified standards.


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