Composite Materials Lab.

 | Post date: 2020/07/6 | 
Mojtaba Sedighi  
Composite Materials Laboratory provides an environment for educational, research, and development activity in composite materials and structures. The goals of the laboratory are to promote the understanding and the use of composite materials, to maintain up to date manufacturing and testing facilities to conduct basic research, and to provide an accessible knowledge and technology base.
Composite Materials Laboratory is comprised of facilities which allow the full spectrum of specimen manufacture, preparation and testing. The manufacture of composite components and specimens can be done in either a vacuum oven or a vacuum infusion process.

1- Fabrication equipments
a- laminate
  • Hand lay-up equipments
  • Vacuum bag molding equipments (Vacuum oven - maximum temperature 250c)
  • Vacuum infusion process
b- nano
  • Ultrasonic Homogenizer (SONOPULS-HD 3200)
  • Hotplate Stirrer (VS-130SH)
  • Digital scale (M530i)
2- Test equipments:
  • Uniaxial testing machine ( 50 KN, Tensile and compression tests in temperature between -30 c up to 80 c)
  • Torsion and twist testing machine (50 N.m)
  • Fatigue testing machine (Rotary type - Speed Range: 200  to 6000 RPM)
  • Charpy/Izod impact testing machine (300J)
  • Drop hammer (low velocity impact test, maximum velocity: 10m/s)
  • Gas gun (high velocity impact test, velocity: 30m/s up to 700m/s)

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