Faculty Honors

 | Post date: 2020/07/5 | 

Mechanical Engineering Department was founded in 1957 offering B.Sc. courses in mechanical engineering; The M.Sc program was established later in 1971. This Department was one of the first in the country to inaugurate Ph.D. programs in mechanical engineering.

 Dr. Mohammad Reza Eslami received the UNESCO Einstein Medal at the 21st Khwarizmi International Award ceremony in 2008.
Dr. Mohammad Reza Eslami got admitted to the grade of Associate Fellow by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in October 1997.
Dr. Yoness Alizadeh’s article got accepted in the 2ndNational Venialation & Hygiene Conference in 2011.
The fifth festival honoringTopResearchers of the year in December 2004.
Dr. Mohammad Reza Eslami received the Honorable Doctor title from Odlar Yurdu University in Azerbaijan.
Dr. Mahdi Akhlaghi received the Author of the Best Book of the Year award. 
Dr. Mohsen Bahrami Received the Khaje Nasir al-Din Tusi award as a veteran in Iranian aerospace in2009.
Dr. Hassan Basirat Tabrizi, the head of Thermoelasticity Center of Excellence, received the Top Center of Excellence Award in 2010.

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