Heat Transfer Lab

 | Post date: 2020/07/6 | 
Majid Saffar Avval 
Technician:Gholamhosein Ahmadi Beni

Heat Transfer Lab.
Heat transfer laboratory is founded in about 500 square meters in Mechanical Engineering Department. This laboratory has different activities as following; Heat transfer lab as an undergraduate course is taught as a principal and applied course in mechanical engineering department, in which students become familiar with different heat transfer modes like heat conduction (steady and unsteady), heat convection (force and free) and thermal radiation. In addition, combination of these mechanisms and their contribution in heat transfer is studied in different experiments.
 The objective of these experiments includes the command of the theoretical aspect of heat transfer as well as to understand the important role of the experimental studies in heat transfer, which makes the possibility of comparison and analysis of theoretical and experimental results.
Furthermore, doing experiments such as heat conduction, heat exchanger, extended surfaces, thermal radiation, boiling, fluid bed heat transfer, drop-wise and film condensation and thermal coils lead to increase the applied knowledge and experience of students. Based on existing facilities in heat transfer lab, the students are encouraged to perform their task in group during the tests and writing reports. Regard this, twelve computers are applied as an intranet, in which all data gathering and calculations are performed. Considering the extensive facilities in heat transfer lab, students achieve different skills such as team working and obtaining a better understanding about the concept of heat transfer.
 Another important activity of the heat transfer laboratory consists of the supporting BS, MS and Ph.D research Projects; there is a variety of accurate instruments for measuring the temperature, pressure, mass flow rate, velocity and etc, that provide a good facility for different test rigs. Several research sets up have been established by different research groups, for example, the nanofluid heat transfer set up for investigating the forced convection in a pipe and in a coil, the free convection with or without sonication system and the gas solid heat transfer set up.
 As one of the major activities of the heat transfer laboratory, it can be referred to its relation to industry in the fields of energy management and fuel saving, energy consumption auditing, measuring and controlling of the combustion pollutions and measuring the insulation conductivity coefficient up to 1000°C.
Experiment apparatuses:
Technical specification Apparatus name
Investigation of thermal radiation and black body emission Natural Convection and Radiation Apparatus
Obtaining the coefficient of performance Experimental Heat pump and Air Cooler set up
Study of free and forced convection over tubes Free and Forced Convection Heat Transfer Unit
heat transfer in fluidized bed Fluidization and Fluid bed Heat Transfer Unit
Determining the emissivity of the surfaces Thermal Radiation Unit
Water-water heat exchanger Double pipe Heat Exchanger
Air-water heat exchanger Hot Air  Heat Exchanger
Boiling heat transfer apparatus Computer Linked Boiling Heat Transfer Unit
ّFilm and droplet condensation Heat Transfer Condensation heat transfer unit
Radial and axial conduction heat transfer Heat Conduction Unit
Investigating unsteady heat conduction Lumped system heat conduction

Other equipments and facilities:
Technical specification Apparatus
Environmental pollutions measurement apparatus Babuc
Measuring the stack emissions Testo 530XL
Temperature measurement apparatus based on radiation method Testo 510
Ambient  humidity measurement  apparatus Testo 450
Flow velocity measurement apparatus Testo 450
High precision Temperature measurement sensor PT100
Surface temperature measurement sensor Testo 450
Gathering and processing the measured quantities 12 and 32 channels loggers
Measurement apparatus of Insulation thermal conductivity coefficient up to 1000 °c Hot/Plate Thermal Conductivity Measurement
Constant temperature test chamber from 5 up to 20°C, in order to perform the performance test the different heating and cooling systems, for determining their efficiency and performance. Radiator and Fan cool Setup Test
Apparatus of determination of surfaces emissivity at ambient temperature
Surface Emissivity Measurement Apparatus
Apparatus of measurement of vacuum, sub cooled pressure  and temperature,  pressure of compressors oil for air conditioning systems Testo 560-2

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